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Career Service Posting

Hayes-Allen Day - November 30, 2022

136th Anniversary Founders' Day Celebration

HBCU Student Opportunities

Summer Internship: U. S. Department of Education, White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities

The Department of Education (ED) offers internships for interested students seeking valuable work experience in government and federal education policy and administration. Student volunteers have the opportunity to make meaningful contributions to the Department's mission to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.

ED offers internships in the fall, winter/spring, and summer. Typically interns are with the Department for eight to ten weeks (some can stay shorter or longer depending on circumstances). Go to the student intern page on ED.gov for more details.

If you are interested in interning at the Department of Education, White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities please send your resume and interest statement to Elyse Jones at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

WHIHBCU Competitiveness Scholar Nomination Form NOW AVAILABLE!

The White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (Initiative) is excited to announce that the 2019 HBCU Competitiveness Scholars nomination period is now open! Last year we had 63 scholars representative of 54 HBCUs and this year we expect an even greater turnout!

This student recognition program is designed to honor current HBCU students for their competitiveness, i.e., successfully preparing to compete for top opportunities that improve standards of living in their communities. For the specified academic school year, Scholars will serve as representatives to the Initiative of their respective institutions and communities. The Initiative will provide outreach and engagement opportunities for Scholars as well as information and resources to disseminate among their fellow students. Scholars will participate in regional events, webinars, and monthly webchats with Initiative staff and other professionals from a wide range of disciplines.  Scholars also will have opportunities to engage with one another to showcase individual and collective talent across the HBCU spectrum.

The President or Chancellor will determine the nominee from their institution. The Initiative will accept no more than one nominee per school. Although each HBCU is allowed one (1) nominee, institutions may appeal to the Initiative for one (1) additional nominee. The WHIHBCU will work with the President or Chancellor on a case-by-case basis to review, approve or deny each appeal. The HBCU Competitiveness Scholar nomination form must be endorsed and submitted by the President, Chancellor or designated surrogate. The Initiative will electronically collect nominations and narrative responses.

More information on how to apply and eligibility is attached and can be found HERE all nomination forms must be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by the submission deadline April 30, 2020.


MPAA Sponsored Contest for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Students

This year, as part of their commitment to support emerging creators from diverse backgrounds, the MPAA is holding a contest (this “Contest”) to design the cover of its annual report on the global Theatrical and Home Entertainment Market Environment (“THEME”). For the first time ever, eligible students in creative disciplines at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are invited to exercise their creativity and compete for cash prizes. 

The contest rules can be found here.  We do ask for your apologies for the seemingly short turnaround period but as this is the very first contest of this nature. The winner will be announced in the upcoming weeks as the report goes to print at the end of March. 

The White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities



For Resume building services and Interview prep services please contact:

Lisa Krajecki: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Pat Price: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Please click the link below for Intern Job Postings

Link-Intern Job Postings 2020


The Washington Center has released their Summer 2018 application for the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) HBCU/MI Internship Program.


This program is designed for students who attend historically black colleges or universities, a tribal college or university, or a minority-serving institution. Applicants should be majoring in a STEM subject and have an interest in complex laboratory work.

Summer 2020 Internship Details:

* Application deadline: January 19, 2020
* Program dates: 10 weeks between Tuesday, May 29, through Friday, August 3, 2020.
* Undergraduate student stipend: $8,500
* Graduate student stipend: $10,900
* Transportation to and from D.C. will be provided up to $700 total
* Housing is provided to interns at a reduced rate, and stipends will be reduced for students using housing so that they do not have to pay for housing out of pocket.

Below is a link to the application for your students to apply for a paid internship with Nate Parker Foundation-HBCU storytellers internship.  The details are on the application-Nate Parker Foundation HBCU Storytellers Internship

Local Virginia Career Works also offers various job postings. Please feel free to find the various job posting on their site as well. 


